Growth and Equality

Grayl is horrified by the atrocities and acts of violence against Black people in our communities and we are unequivocally unified and stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Nonviolent activism pushes progress and we have work to do.

We recognize our privilege and take responsibility for complacency and previous silence. We stand committed to fighting racism and creating change for a more just and equitable organization and global community. It is one thing to put out a statement, it is another to commit to learning and taking action. Actionable change will be an ongoing commitment with justice as the end-goal.

We are committed to:

Listening & Engagement. Grayl will be undergoing company wide DEI training in our workplace. It starts at home and we lack diversity. We have a lot to learn about our role in creating more diversity, equity and inclusion throughout our organization, leadership, stakeholders and partners. We are listening and will build our understanding and skills required to address gaps where we are deficient.

Employee Activism. Employees will be afforded paid days off to engage in causes that meet the needs of communities of color and which stand for racial equity and social justice.

Philanthropic Support of Social and Environmental Injustice. We recognize there is an undeniable correlation between environmental and social justice. We are strengthening our financial support to existing charitable partners Outdoor Afro – “helping Black people equitably reconnect with the natural world” and Soul River – “connecting under-resourced youth with military veterans through transformative wilderness mentoring experiences”. Furthermore, we are committing more dollars to integrating grassroots organizations on the front lines, beginning with Big City Mountaineers and Black Lives Matter of Seattle-King County .

Matching Contributions. An employee matching program will be implemented and Grayl will match employee financial contributions to organizations addressing racial and social justice.

Outdoor Leadership. Grayl will actively participate as an Outdoor Industry Association Member, to support and champion policies that break down systemic barriers to inclusion and further the equitable access and enjoyment of our shared outdoor spaces.

Amplifying Black Voices. To ensure safety, equity, and justice for our planet and future generations, we must maintain an active global voice. Grayl has a platform and is committed to using it and our emerging influence in outdoor adventure and travel to accelerate change by amplifying the voices of people of color, immigrants, LGBTQ2+, and partnering with grassroots organizations that address injustice.

As with environmental protection, social justice takes sustained work and dedication over the long haul. As a company, we are passionately dedicated to doing good and our intent is unmistakable. We are actively listening, learning and steadfastly committed to doing better. Our journey, the big and small moments in the pursuit of justice, has just begun.


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