When Disaster Hits, Reach for Your Grayl

Winter storms, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes—when natural disasters hit, municipal water systems are often the first to go down!

When natural disasters hit, municipal water systems are often the first to go down!

Access to safe drinking water should be the top priority for your emergency kit. Grayl purifier bottles empower anyone, anywhere to quickly make a safe supply of clean filtered drinking water. Whether facing a boil water advisory, E. Coli outbreak, or contamination by amoebas or other parasites, Grayl will prepare you for an emergency.

Fill. Press. Drink.

Making Clean, Safe Drinking Water

The rule of thumb for drinking water is 1 gallon of water per person per day. The CDC recommends storing enough drinking water for at least three-days, and ideally, enough for two-weeks for each person (and pets) in your household. (How and where you store your water is important—brush up on water storage best practices.)

When storing enough water isn’t possible, or when supplies run low, be prepared to make your own safe drinking water:

1. Purify and Filter Contaminated Water with a Grayl.

Grayl water purifiers remove all waterborne pathogens (virus, bacteria, protozoa), and filter particulates and many chemicals, heavy metals, and pesticides. Each replaceable purifier cartridge is rated up to 350 presses (65 gallons). Find your Grayl.

WARNING: Most readily available camping and straw water filters DO NOT protect against viruses and such filters should not be used during a natural disaster due to potential contamination from raw sewage.

2. Boiling.

Strain any visible debris or sediment and bring to a rolling boil for 1-minute (3 minutes at elevation >6,500 ft). Let cool before drinking or storing. Learn more.

3. Disinfecting.

In small quantities, unscented household chlorine bleach can be used to treat water. Be sure to read the mixing recommendations before attempting disinfection.

Can Grayl Water Purifier bottles be used during a Boil Water Advisory?

Yes. A ‘Boil Water Advisory’ comes into effect when municipal water systems that supply a city’s or town’s water supply becomes contaminated with pathogens, including virus, that could make you sick. The Grayl GeoPress® and Ultralight Purifier Bottles remove all waterborne pathogens.

Do Grayl Purifiers Remove Cryptosporidium and Giardia?

Yes. Grayl purifiers remove ALL waterborne pathogens, including: Rotavirus, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, Giardiasis, Cryptosporidium, E. Coli, Cholera, Salmonella, Dysentery, amoebas, and more.

Where Can You Find Water in Emergencies?

If your water supply becomes limited, there are sources of water you can access in your home.

  • H2O from your water heater. This is the tank that connects to your tap, faucets and shower heads, not radiant heating.
  • Melted ice in your freezer.
  • Water from the toilet tank (not the bowl), as long as it has not been chemically treated.
  • Pool water, if untreated can be used for washing and running your toilet. In a pinch, you can also use your Grayl to purify pool water. Be sure to strain out debris using a handkerchief or t-shirt before purifying.

Don’t Forget Sources from Outside Your Home (must all be purified with Grayl before drinking):

  • Collected rainwater.
  • Melted ice in your freezer.
  • Snowmelt.
  • Nearby streams or rivers.

WARNING: If water sources have been contaminated by toxic chemicals or fuel spills, do not attempt to drink, even with your Grayl.

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