Solo Survival with Covert Black


Where do you live? I live in Italy but I'm planning to move, maybe somewhere in the USA.

Tell us about your passions and what fuels them? My passions are many but they all relate to adventure. I love traveling off trails to practice skills that are needed to do it safely. I'm fortunate to have had the chance to learn from some amazing survivalists and adventurers like Dave Canterbury and Daniele Dal Cant.

And then there are knives, a passion that led me to start Wander Tactical Knives with my colleague Greymoose Dino. Starting a company provided me with a more complete understanding about knife design, rather than focusing on only aesthetics. Curiosity and the unknown fuels me. #sharingiscaring

My passions are many but they are all related to adventure. I love traveling off trails to practice skills that are needed to do it safely.

What was your childhood like? I grew up in a small village and pursued being outside in nature. My parents were traveling addicts and began exposing me to global travel when I was ten.

What were some of the first inspirations that led you into knife making? All the clichés apply here: Rambo, Commando, Crocodile Dundee, and Indiana Jones. Additionally, a guide from one of my early trips to Mexico made an impression by the confident manner in which he handled his machete. Once drawn into survival, I began making lots of knives and along the way developed a sense of what the perfect knife for me would be.

...All the clichés apply here: Rambo, Commando, Crocodile Dundee, and Indiana Jones.

You just completed 20 days out there alone. Can you tell us more about the motivations behind these types of quests for you? A solo trip is a process that better helps understand and know myself. That much "alone time" forces one to self analyze and begin to see who they really are, like it or not, and serves as a medium to learn who they want to become. For me, it serves as the foundation to see the best version of myself. There are no masks or armors when you travel through Nature alone, you feel naked. Once I return to civilization my goals become clearer, my lifestyle simplifies, I overthink less (a huge issue for the human species) and I fully appreciate those in my inner "circle". All aspects of solo trips lead me to happiness.

How do you go about selecting tools and equipment that make it into your bag? My trip gear is selected in accordance to the countries, unique environments, and itineraries I develop.

That much "alone time" forces one to self analyze and start to see who they are, like it or not, and serves as a medium to learn who they want to become.

What led you to Grayl and why GeoPress? Of all my equipment, the most important and biggest game changer is the GeoPress. Dave Canterbury introduced me to Grayl and before the GeoPress I tried and relied on many filters, such as Lifestraw, Katadyn and several others. I found them all to be impractical and overpriced. GeoPress is nearly perfect in its quality, design and functionality. Hands down the best!

Did we nail it with Covert Black? You guys definitely nailed it!!! Covert Black provides a better fit with my gear. It also is more appealing for my urban explorations where shiny colors are not the best choice for discretion.

Covert Black provides a better fit with my gear. It also is more appealing for my urban explorations where shiny colors are not the best choice for discretion.

Covert Black GeoPress

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