Why We Travel
The perfect trip is best measured by how much it changes you when you get home. The goal isn’t merely to see the beauty and participate in awesomeness. We travel because it unlocks within us a whole new way of being - more accepting, more humble, less certain that we have all the answers - and definitely with better stories to tell!

Travis sharing a local waterway with the local water buffalo. Photo: @scottrolfson
Exploring for the sake of exploring.
GRAYL's Instagram feed is full of beautiful photos from exotic places, captured after hours waiting for just the right light. And we love those posts! But photos are simply artifacts of adventure. Behind the best posts are stories – of love and hardship, of wisdom and folly, of joy and tears. One must possess a childlike curiosity, disciplined by intention and purpose. Done right, the journey never really ends.

Ambassador Jodie Morse reveling at a local's intricate craftmanship on this handmade waterwheel. photo: @briskventure
Ambassadors that go the distance.
Recently, GRAYL ventured to Vietnam with our ambassadors, to put our purifiers to the test and to document our experiences along the way. But we also had another set of, perhaps more important goals in mind: to push our own limits as individuals, to grow and bond as a team of adventurers, and to infuse our work with the flavor, heartbeat, and soul of Vietnam.

Ambassador Kyle Murphy explaining the process of purifying water with GRAYL's Ultralight Purifier. photo: @scottrolfson
Reaching past our comfort zones.
As we purposefully ventured through jungles, villages, and cities; we pushed beyond our comfort zone to let in the people, culture, and the beauty of the country. As we did, magical moments ignited our senses. We roamed off trail alongside gigantic plantation spiders to reach a hidden waterfall, choked an ungodly amount of tobacco out of a giant water pipe and graciously shared tea and snacks in the houses of humble, welcoming people.
Vietnam gave back more than we could have possibly asked of it.
It doesn’t matter where you go, how much you have to spend or what IG opp you missed out on. What matters is a humble heart, a big smile on your face, and a spirit of curiosity and generosity.
GRAYL makes purifiers that allow global explorers to stay healthy, to travel sustainably, and have unique and life-changing travel experiences. So drink deep from this big blue planet of ours and we'll be with you for every sip. Then start saving your clams for the next adventure.
In gratitude,

GRAYL adventurers saying goodbye to the local communities of Vietnam, a beautiful and inspiring country. Photo: @scottrolfson